[P67] |
'Efficiency and equity: A general equilibrium analysis of rent-seeking'
(with P. Heijnen), Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2024, e12706, DOI code: 10.1111/jpet.12706 (download the paper or
the supplementary material).
[P66] |
'Some unconventional properties of New Keynesian DSGE models' (with C.G.F van der Kwaak).
De Economist, June 2023, 171,
139-183. DOI code: 10.1007/s10645-023-09420-4 (download the paper or
the supplementary material).
[P65] |
'Reversible environmental catastrophes with disconnected generations' (with P. Heijnen).
De Economist, June 2021, 169,
211-252. DOI code: 10.1007/s10645-020-09378-7 (download the paper).
[P64] |
'Putting people back into the picture: Some studies in demographic economics' (with K. Prettner). De Economist, June 2020, 168,
147-152. DOI code: 10.1007/s10645-020-09361-2 (download the paper).
[P63] |
'Jan Tinbergen: Engineering a better world' (with B. ter Weel). De Economist, September 2019, 167,
215-219. DOI code: 10.1007/s10645-019-09348-8 (download the paper).
[P62] |
'The macroeconomic effects of longevity risk under private and public insurance and asymmetric information' (with Y. Jiang and J.O. Mierau). De Economist, June 2019, 167,
177-213. DOI code: 10.1007/s10645-019-09336-y (download the final version).
[P61] |
'Longevity shocks with age-dependent productivity growth' (with L.S.M. Reijnders).
Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, April 2018, 17, 200-230. DOI code: 10.1017/S147474721600024X (download final version of the paper).
[P60] |
'Stimulating annuity markets' (with J.O. Mierau and T. Trimborn).
Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, October 2017, 16, 554-583 (with erratum on page 584).
DOI code: 10.1017/S1474747216000056 (download paper version).
[P59] |
'Life in shackles? The quantitative implications of reforming the educational loan system' (with F. Kindermann and L.S.M. Reijnders).
Review of Economic Dynamics, April 2017, 27, 37-57. Special Issue on Human Capital and Inequality edited by Dean Corbae,
Mariachristina De Nardi, and Lance Lochner. DOI code: 10.1016/j.red.2017.02.006.
[P58] |
'Human capital accumulation and the macroeconomy in an ageing society' (with L.S.M. Reijnders).
De Economist, September 2016, 164, 297-334. DOI code: 10.1007/s10645-016-9283-2 (download final version).
[P57] |
'Optimal pollution taxation and abatement when leisure and environmental quality are complements' (with P. Heijnen and F. Kindermann).
De Economist, March 2015, 163, 95-122. DOI code: 10.1007/s10645-014-9246-4 (download paper version).
[P56] |
'Optimal environmental policy in the presence of multiple equilibria and reversible hysteresis' (with P. Heijnen).
In: Moser, E., W. Semmler, G. Tragler, and V. Veliov, Eds. Dynamic Optimization in Environmental Economics. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2014, pp. 61-85 (download paper version).
[P55] |
'A tragedy of annuitization? Longevity risk in general equilibrium' (with J.O. Mierau and L.S.M. Reijnders).
Macroeconomic Dynamics, October 2014, 18, 1607-1634. DOI code: 10.1017/S1365100513000072 (download paper version or Mathematical Appendix).
[P54] |
'Economic growth and longevity risk with adverse selection' (with L.S.M. Reijnders).
De Economist, March 2013, 161, 69-97. DOI code: 10.1007/s10645-012-9199-4
(download paper version).
[P53] |
'Environmental abatement and the macroeconomy in the presence of ecological thresholds'
(with P. Heijnen). Environmental and Resource Economics, May 2013, 55, 47-70. DOI code: 10.1007/s10640-012-9613-z
(download paper version).
[P52] |
'Adverse selection in private annuity markets and the role of mandatory social
annuitization' (with L.S.M. Reijnders). De Economist, September 2012, 160, 311-337.
DOI code: 10.1007/s10645-012-9191-z (download paper version).
[P51] |
'The individual life-cycle, annuity market imperfections and economic growth' (with J.O. Mierau). Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, June 2012,
36, 876-890. DOI code: 10.1016/j.jedc.2012.01.001 (download latest paper version).
[P50] |
'Growth and the ageing Joneses' (with W.H. Fisher).
Macroeconomic Dynamics, February 2012, 16, 35-60. DOI code: 10.1017/S1365100510000349 (download paper version).
[P49] |
'The environmental and macroeconomic effects of socially responsible investment' (with L. Dam). Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, September 2011, 35, 1424-1434.
Special Issue in Honour of Stephen J. Turnovsky. DOI code: 10.1016/j.jedc.2011.05.005 (download latest paper version).
[P48] |
'The individual life cycle and economic growth: An essay on demographic macroeconomics' (with J.O. Mierau). De Economist,
March 2011, 159, 63-87. DOI code: 10.1007/s10645-010-9153-2 (download paper version).
[P47] |
'Growth effects of consumption and labour-income taxation in an overlapping-generations life-cycle model' (with J.O. Mierau). Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2010, 14 (Supplement 2), 151-175. DOI code: 10.1017/S1365100510000337 (download paper version).
[P46] |
'The transitional dynamics of fiscal policy in small open economies'
(with J.E. Ligthart), Macroeconomic Dynamics, February 2010, 14, 1-28. DOI code:
10.1017/S1365100509080286 (download paper).
[P45] |
'Retirement, pensions, and ageing' (with W.E. Romp),
Journal of Public Economics, April 2009, 93, 586-604. DOI code:
10.1016/j.jpubeco.2008.10.009 (download paper).
[P44] |
'Human capital formation and macroeconomic performance in an ageing small open economy'
(with W.E. Romp), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, March 2009, 33, 725-744. DOI code: 10.1016/j.jedc.2008.09.003
(download Paper and Further Results) |
[P43] |
'Keeping up with the ageing Joneses' (with W.H. Fisher),
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, January 2009, 33, 53-64.
DOI code: 10.1016/j.jedc.2008.04.010
(download most recent working paper version). |
[P42] |
'Labor tax reform, unemployment, and search' (with J.E. Ligthart),
International Tax and Public Finance, February 2009, 16, 82-104.
DOI code: 10.1007/s10797-007-9056-6
(download most recent working paper version). |
[P41] |
'A life-cycle overlapping-generations model of the small open economy'
(with W.E. Romp). Oxford Economic Papers, January 2008, 60, 89-122
(download working paper version and mathematical appendix). |
[P40] |
'Fiscal policy, monopolistic competition, and finite lives'
(with J.E. Ligthart). Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,
January 2007, 31, 325-359
(download working paper version). |
[P39] |
'The macroeconomic dynamics of demographic shocks'
(with J.E. Ligthart). Macroeconomic Dynamics, June 2006, 10,
(download working paper version or
mathematical appendix). |
[P38] |
Population ageing and pension reform in a small open
economy with non-traded goods' (with L.J.H. Bettendorf). Journal of Economic Dynamics
and Control, December 2006, 30, 2389-2424 (download TI2005-021/2 discussion paper
version including detailed mathematical appendix). |
[P37] |
'Environmental quality, the macroeconomy, and intergenerational distribution'
(with J.P. Kooiman and J.E. Ligthart). Resource and Energy Economics, January 2006,
28, 74-104
(download working paper version). |
[P36] |
'Eastern enlargement of the EU: Jobs, investment and welfare in present member countries' (with Christian Keuschnigg and Wilhelm Kohler). In: Helge Berger and
Thomas Moutos, Eds. Managing European Union Enlargement. MIT Press, 2004, pp. 173-210.
Book description |
[P35] |
'Introduction' (with S. Brakman). In: S. Brakman and B.J. Heijdra, Eds. The Monopolistic Competition Revolution in Retrospect. Cambridge
University Press, 2004, pp. 1-45. |
[P34] |
'Industrial policy in a small open economy' (with L.J.H. Bettendorf). In: S. Brakman and B.J. Heijdra, Eds. The Monopolistic Competition Revolution in Retrospect.
Cambridge University Press, 2004, pp. 442-483. |
[P33] |
'Public investment in a small open economy,' (with A.C. Meijdam),
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, May 2002, 26, 707-735. |
[P32] |
'The hiring subsidy cum firing tax in a search model of unemployment,' (with J.E. Ligthart), Economics Letters, March 2002, 75, 97-108. (Download the mathematical appendix.) |
[P31] |
'Tax policy, the macroeconomy, and intergenerational distribution,' (with J.E. Ligthart), IMF Staff Papers, 2002, 49, 106-127.
[P30] |
'Environmental abatement and intergenerational distribution,' (with A.L. Bovenberg), Environmental and Resource Economics, September 2002, 23, 45-84. (Download the
mathematical appendix.) |
[P29] |
'Deposit-refund on labour: A solution to equilibrium unemployment?,' (with J.E. Ligthart), IMF Staff Papers, December 2001, 48, 593-609. |
[P28] |
'Intergenerational welfare effects of a tariff under monopolistic competition,' (with L.J.H. Bettendorf), Journal of Economics / Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, 2001, 73, 313-346.
(Download mathematical appendix.) |
[P27] |
'Intergenerational and international welfare leakages of a product subsidy
in a small open economy,' (with L.J.H. Bettendorf), International Tax and Public Finance, November 2001, 8, 705-729. (Download the mathematical appendix.) |
[P26] |
'The investment tax credit under monopolistic competition,' (with D.P. Broer), Oxford Economic Papers, April 2001, 53, 318-351. (Download mathematical appendix.) |
[P25] |
'The dynamic macroeconomic effects of tax policy in an overlapping generations model,' (with J.E. Ligthart), Oxford Economic Papers, October 2000, 52, 677-701. |
[P24] |
'Taxing energy to improve the environment: Efficiency and distributional effects,'
(with A. van der Horst). De Economist, 148, March 2000, 45-69. (Download the unpublished appendix.) |
[P23] |
'Fiscal policy multipliers: The role of monopolistic competition, scale economies, and
intertemporal substitution in labour supply.' International Economic Review, August 1998, 39,
659-696. (Download the unpublished appendix.) |
[P22] |
'Environmental tax policy and intergenerational distribution,' (with A.L. Bovenberg). Journal
of Public Economics, January 1998, 67, 1-24. (download unpublished appendix) |
[P21] |
'Fiscal policy, distortionary taxation, and direct crowding out under monopolistic competition,'
(with J.E. Ligthart and F. van der Ploeg). Oxford Economic Papers, January 1998, 50, 79-88. |
[P20] |
'Keynesian multipliers, direct crowding out, and the optimal provision of public goods,' (with
J.E. Ligthart), Journal of Macroeconomics, Fall 1997, 19, 803-826.
[P19] |
'Keynesian multipliers and the costs of public funds under monopolistic competition,' (with F.
van der Ploeg), Economic Journal, September 1996, 106, 1284-1296.
[P18] |
'Is the Dutch consumer a true Ricardian?' De Economist, 1996, 144, 591-615 (with H.P. van
[P17] |
'Equilibrium notions in macroeconomics: An historical perspective,' (with A.D. Lowenberg).
Theoria, May 1995, 55-70.
[P16] |
'Fiscal and environmental policy under monopolistic competition,' (with F. van der Ploeg). De
Economist, 1995, 143, 217-248.
[P15] |
'Monopolistic competition and optimum product diversity: Comment,' (with X. Yang).
American Economic Review, March 1993, 83, 295-301.
[P14] |
'Imperfect competition and product differentiation: Some further results,' (with X. Yang).
Mathematical Social Sciences, February 1993, 25, 157-171.
[P13] |
'Marxism, methodological individualism, and the new institutional economics: Reply to Peter
Dorman.' (with A.D. Lowenberg). Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, June
1991, 147, 375-378.
[P12] |
'An econometric analysis of the Australian current account balance' (with A.J. Meer).
Australian Economic Papers, December 1990, 30, 199-225.
[P11] |
'Investment spending in Australia: Further study and interpretation' (with W.M. Scarth).
Economic Record, December 1990, 66, 295-307.
[P10] |
'Productive versus unproductive labour and rent-seeking: Lessons from history' (with M.A.
Brooks and A.D. Lowenberg). Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, September
1990, 146, 419-438.
[P09] |
'Rent-seeking and the privatization of the commons' (with M.A. Brooks). European Journal
of Political Economy, August 1990, 6, 41-59.
[P08] |
'An exploration of rent-seeking' (with M.A. Brooks). Economic Record, March 1989, 65, 32-50.
(Download a copy of the long discussion paper version.)
[P07] |
'Marxism, methodological individualism, and the new institutional economics' (with A.D.
Lowenberg and R. Mallick). Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, April 1988,
144, 296-317.
[P06] |
'The neoclassical economic research program: Some Lakatosian and other considerations' (with
A.D. Lowenberg). Australian Economic Papers, December 1988, 28, 272-284.
[P05] |
'In search of rent-seeking' (with M.A. Brooks). In: Rowley, C.K., R.D. Tollison, and G.
Tullock, Eds. The Political Economy of Rent-Seeking. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers,
1988, 27-49.
[P04] |
'Neoclassical economics and the psychology of risk and uncertainty.' In: Earl, P., Ed.
Psychological Economics: Development, Tensions, Prospects. Boston: Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 1988, 67-84.
[P03] |
'Rent-seeking and pollution taxation: An extension' (with M.A. Brooks). Southern Economic
Journal, October 1987, 54, 335-342.
[P02] |
'Towards a theory of colonial growth: The case of the Dutch in Southern Africa' (with A.D.
Lowenberg). Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 1987, 1, 249-276.
[P01] |
'Duhem-Quine, Lakatos, and research programmes in economics' (with A.D. Lowenberg).
Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 1986, 1, 175-187.
(2023) |
'Rent-seeking, capital accumulation, and macroeconomic growth'
(with P. Heijnen), CESifo Working Paper No. 10771, November 2023 (download the paper).
(2021) |
'Efficiency and equity: A general equilibrium analysis of rent-seeking'
(with P. Heijnen), CESifo Working Paper No. 9375, October 2021. (download the paper).
(Revised version published as [P67])
(2018a) |
'Reversible environmental catastrophes with disconnected generations'
(with P. Heijnen), CESifo Working Paper No. 7299, October 2018. (download the paper).
(Revised version published as [P65])
(2017a) |
'The macroeconomic effects of longevity risk under private and public insurance and asymmetric information'
(with Y. Jiang and J.O. Mierau), CESifo Working Paper No. 6767, November 2017. (download the paper or see the
slides from the CESifo Public Sector Economics Conference in April 2018.) (Revised version
published as [P62])
(2015a) |
'Longevity shocks with age-dependent productivity growth' (with L.S.M. Reijnders),
CESifo Working Paper No. 5364, May 2015. (download paper).
(Revised version published as [P61])
(2014a) |
'Life in shackles? The quantitative implications of reforming the educational loan system' (with F. Kindermann and L.S.M. Reijnders),
CESifo Working Paper No. 5013, October 2014. (download paper). (Revised version published as [P59])
(2014b) |
'Stimulating annuity markets' (with J.O. Mierau and T. Trimborn),
CESifo Working Paper No. 4827, June 2014. (download paper).
(Revised version published as [P60])
(2012) |
'Human capital accumulation and the macroeconomy in an ageing society' (with L.S.M. Reijnders),
CESifo Working Paper No. 4046, December 2012. (download paper).
(Revised version published as [P58])
(2010a) |
'The tragedy of annuitization' (with J.O. Mierau and L.S.M. Reijnders),
CESifo Working Paper No. 3141, July 2010. (download paper). (Revised version published as [P55])
(2009a) |
'Economic growth and longevity risk with adverse selection' (with L.S.M. Reijnders),
CESifo Working Paper No. 2898, December 2009. (download paper). Most recent version is
here. (Revised version published as [P54])
(2009b) |
'Environmental policy and the macroeconomy under shallow-lake dynamics' (with P. Heijnen),
CESifo Working Paper No. 2859, November 2009. (download paper).(Revised version published as [P53])
(2009d) |
'Annuity market imperfection, retirement and economic growth' (with J.O. Mierau),
CESifo Working Paper No. 2717, July 2009. (download paper). (Revised version published as [P51]).
(2008a) |
'The environmental and macroeconomic effects of socially responsible
investment' (with L.J. Dam), CESifo Working Paper No. 2349, July 2008. (download paper) (Revised version published as [P49]).
(2008b) |
'Growth and the ageing Joneses' (with W.H. Fisher),
CESifo Working Paper No. 2466, November 2008.
(download paper). (Slightly revised version published as [P50])
(2007) |
'Retirement, pensions, and ageing'
(with W.E. Romp), CESifo Working Paper No. 1974, April 2007. (download
paper). (Revised version published as [P45])
(2006a) |
'Ageing and growth in the small open economy'
(with W.E. Romp), CESifo Working Paper No. 1740, June 2006. (download
CESifo paper, Nov 2007 paper revision, or
mathematical appendix). (Exogenous growth sections published as [P44])
(2006b) |
'The transitional dynamics of fiscal policy in small open economies'
(with J.E. Ligthart), CESifo Working Paper No. 1777, August 2006.
(download paper; Revised version published as [P46]) |
(2001b) |
'Public investment and intergenerational distribution under alternative
modes of finance' (with A. van der Horst and A.C. Meijdam),
Mimeo, University of Groningen, May (Rev. June 2002). (download paper) |
(1999b) |
'Using the Laplace transform for dynamic policy analysis,' Mimeo, University of Groningen, November.
(download paper) |
(1995c) |
'Fiscal policy multipliers: the role of monopolistic competition and finite lives,' Mimeo, University of Amsterdam, November (Rev. August 1997). (download paper) |
(1994) |
`Fiscal policy in a dynamic model of monopolistic competition,' Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, Nr. TI 94-133, University of Amsterdam, August.
(Download a copy of the paper.)
(1993) |
`Keynesian multipliers and the cost of public funds under monopolistic competition,'
Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, Nr. TI 94-41, University of Amsterdam, December 1993.
(Download a copy of the paper.)
(1986) |
`In search of rent-seeking,' Economics Discussion Paper, Nr. 86-01, University of Tasmania, April.
(Download a copy of the paper.)